If Turkey Underwear Helps, Then By All Means Make a Uniform Change


The Atlanta Turkeys?

Could it be? The Indians sure wouldn’t mind.

I loved today’s story in the AJC about Jeff Francoeur’s lucky turkey undies.

The guy could use the help of just about anything, and if he wants to use a pair of undies as his rabbit’s foot, I support him. I support the Atlanta Braves changing the mascot for the entire year to TURKEYS if they can put on a 10-game winning streak. It seems like such a steak has eluded the Braves for 10 years.

Apparently, when Fran wears the undies, the Braves are 7-0. I’ll take a seven-game winning streak. The East is so ignorable this season that a seven-game streak could put the Braves in direct contention.

AJC story