Thank You To Our Troops


Hello again everyone from sunny Michigan!

In light of the death of Osama Bin Laden and all that it represents for our country, I wanted to take this opportunity to pass along a heartfelt thank you to everyone who puts themselves in harm’s way to protect our country.

In my opinion, there’s no way to ever repay these people for their service. While I don’t think many of them are actively seeking pats on the back, I would hope that everyone would take a moment to reach out to everyone you know or encounter that are in the service, or have previously served, and just say thank you. It doesn’t matter what your political views are; just remember that it’s the sacrifices these people make that allow you to freely espouse those views.

I, for one, don’t care what’s politically correct or what those from other countries will think. Let’s loudly and publicly celebrate the fact that Americans will stand up for what’s right, no matter how long it takes. Then we can resume the important debates, like whether or not Fredi will ever learn how to use his bullpen correctly!