A Note From Your Editor


Hello all who have found their way to this collection of baseball writing gems on the interwebs. My name is Clint, some might know me as ‘TheNaturalMevs’ if you read me at my site Diamond Hoggers.

I’ve been writing about baseball on the internet since about 2006–but I’ve loved baseball all my life.

I decided to take this position because I think that the Braves are about as close to ‘America’s Team’ as baseball has. I that we’re read by people who like me; live and die for 162 games of the regular season and then find themselves going kicking and screaming into hockey season in November and December.

If you have read me before, I have a lot of of fun with writing about baseball. I combine a sense of easy-going humor with some perspective of someone that has played the game in the past–not so much at a level that not many have but I have had the opportunity to play with some really good ballplayers. Baseball has given me more than anything has in my life in the form of experiences, laughter, friendships, and memories.

I think we’ll have a great time on this site and I am looking forward to helping it grow from it’s larvae stage into a blossoming blog of baseball hodgepodge.