Alright, so I admit it. I've always ..."/> Alright, so I admit it. I've always ..."/> Alright, so I admit it. I've always ..."/>

‘Take Classic Video of the Day: Woooooooooooooo! Ric Flair Flop Montage


Alright, so I admit it. I’ve always kind of been a closet wrestling fan. I was way more into WWE than I ever was NWA or WCW in the later years. But I figure this video has some relevancy to those of you down south.

Ric Flair was the father of NWA, WCW, the Four Horseman, and for all intensive purposes; pro wrestling in the south. The montage you’re seeing above showcases his bread and butter move, the flop. In every Ric Flair match, you got a figure four, messy blonde hair flying wild all over (and sometimes blood mixed in it), Flair on his knees begging for mercy; and inevitably you would see a flop or sometimes multiple flops.

It looks fake. It looks like what I do when I get back to my home after too many shots at the bar. It’s played out. But in the same token the move symbolizes everything that makes wrestling entertaining.

And if you check out wrestling some Monday night and get hooked for a few weeks on this ‘male soap opera’, I will not allow you to blame me.